
Remember Who You Are!

A Message from Love Itself

“There is an opening that comes within the space in which you release your hold on self-judgment, criticism, and guilt. Often you disregard this internal resistance to the truth that is you. You fail to realize how great your need to forgive yourself for all your perceived transgressions. For the lock of self-judgment bars you from the truth that is you and from realizing the grandeur that is you. Such criticism blocks the passageway of your joining to My power, My love, and our connection, which is the completion that is you.

Be still a while. Search your heart for the places where you are called to let forgiveness in. Open your heart to this gift, which only you would withhold from yourself. Soon you will feel the release and opening to the joy of angels and Me celebrating our reunion; a reunion back to your truth, a reunion of remembering all the joy, all the love that is you.

Forgive yourself and join Me in the opening where our lights will merge again as one, and you remember the truth, joy, and beauty that is you.”

                                      “Your Indelible Worth-A Spiritual Journey Dedicated to Your Highest Self”

Love Itself is still speaking and has new messages for all of us!  As I write, I’m sitting on my back deck in the early morning air and witnessing the most fabulous example of the impact of the messages we tell ourselves. You see, my sweet beagle, Lillie, has been sitting on our hillside in a state of complete and utter focus upon the one tree where the squirrel who relentlessly taunts her has often played.  Lillie has sat attentively watching that tree for at least the last hour. She does this almost daily; sure it will appear since that is where she saw it last.


All the while, everything my eager puppy desires is unfolding in the tree before me, about 12 feet to her side. Only a slight turn of her head would reveal all she longs to see. The very squirrel she has been seeking is carefully, mischievously, carrying an apple up the trunk and is now perching directly in front of me, happily munching on his new red apple. Lillie is utterly unaware as she fully expects to find that squirrel in the place, she last knew it to be. 


The irony is priceless to me and leaves me laughing out loud. How often have I searched and searched in one place for my deepest longing, unaware that it was sitting right next to me? Could I have just widened my vision and been open to looking in a different space? I spent years searching in this way for my own innate worth, because my own messages told me it was elsewhere, somewhere outside of myself.  As it turned out, all I ever wanted has been sitting here within me all along.


My own limiting messages kept me staring intently in the entirely wrong direction!


Love Itself is reaching out to all of us with new messages that seek to free us from our limiting beliefs and awaken us to the radiant divine light that we are. 


What messages are you telling yourself?  Where do you need to let go of the self-judgment and forgive yourself your perceived shortcomings?


What if we all trusted just a little more that Love is truly right here within each of us, extending through us, and even speaking to us?  Are we open to hearing the new messages Love Itself wants us to hear?  Or are we blocking ourselves from noticing because there is some old destructive message that is hiding our truth?


Love Itself has taken me on a journey of healing and awakening as I’ve brought my self-judgments and unhealed wounds into the presence of Divine Love.  I’m blessed beyond words to invite you to experience this journey for yourself in my newly published book, “Your Indelible Worth, A Spiritual Journey Dedicated to Your Highest Self.”


Can you let yourself consider trusting that Love Itself has new messages for you to hear?  What if you accept your worthiness to release your limiting beliefs and remember the power of your union with Love Itself?  Love is calling to you.  Are you ready to remember?   

Thank you for walking with me on this journey.  I’m eager to share these Messages from Love Itself and pray they will transform your life as they have mine!  

With much love and joy, 


Divine Love, God, HIgher Power, Messages