A Dream We Choose To Create
“There is no order of difficulty among miracles. One is not “harder” or “bigger” than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal.”
“Until the “separation,” which is a better term than the “fall,” nothing was lacking. This meant that man had no needs at all. If he had not deprived himself, he would never have experienced them.
Each one acts according to the particular hierarchy of needs he establishes for himself. His hierarchy, in turn, depends on his perception of what he is-that is, what he lacks. A sense of separation from God is the only lack he really needs to correct.”
The following message was simply prompted by a request to more fully understand the union of a soul with God. I believe it speaks for itself. If it prompts further questions for you, feel free to email them to me. I’m curious to see what else will arise.

Understanding the oneness that we share cannot be understood through the lens of a body whose very birth is the source of the separated state. To understand, rather to know, our union you must allow yourself to release the limiting confines of the body state. Returning to your breath is an easy avenue of returning to the awareness of our union. For the breath is not limited to the body. While it appears to arise from the body, it is not of the body. It is the nearest example and representative for our unifying connection.
In truth, we breathe as one, as do all within and without a body. You feel and see that breath enters and escapes the body and circulates throughout all who inhabit their bodies. Yet it does not stop there. For when a being in a body, “breathes its last breath”, the breath (the union of all) merely lets go of the body. For the body is no longer needed. The breath then carries on to complete the union of your soul with all souls…without the need of a body.
Experiences and emotions also transcend the body. Yet the primary emotional state of a breath/soul who has released the body is a return to its natural state of full union where primarily joy, bliss, knowing, and all love are the prevailing experience of our one union.
While it is possible to return to this full union even as the breath stays within and utilizing a body, it is difficult because the five senses keep one’s awareness on separation rather than union. Likewise, the ego-mind operates in such a steady tandem with the five senses that it compels a soul within a body to perpetuate this illusion/experience of separation. For this reason, I say, maintain your awareness on the breath which more easily refocuses your awareness away from sensory and ego data to the truth of our union.
Acknowledging your worthiness to join with me unlocks the block or lock, if you will, of the closed-door created by the ego-mind messaging. All of my creations are worthy of returning to full union with Me, but I have given each the choice to determine when they will return. Many will choose several lifetimes before they are ready to return to full union. You need to remember the choice is entirely yours when it comes to a return. And yes, you can return again and again to life in separation while still remembering our union. For our union is never completely lost to you.
Remember, like the body, your belief in space/time continuum also limits your understanding and ability to comprehend union. For in truth, you are always and forever one with Me. Life in a separated body is simply a dream you choose to create. Thus, as you awaken back to the awareness of our union, you reclaim your ability to make this dream what you will.
~Love Itself
In peace and love, Janine