Try 28 days of Pure Love Presence

Try 28 days of Pure Love Presence


“The ego is nothing more than a part of your belief about yourselves.  Your other life has continued without interruption and has been and always will be totally unaffected by your attempts to dissociate”
~A Course in Miracles,

I think we can all agree it’s been a long year of this pandemic.  Separation from our usual activities and social connections, worries about illness and finances, and loss of many forms can lead one easily into that headspace of perpetual worry, fixing, striving, and ruminating.  When there is so much around us to worry about and grieve, it’s hard not to get caught in the downward spiral of feeling separate, alone, and fearful.

The truth is, we’re not separate or alone.  We just think we are.  We have dissociated from our home and our safety.

 I recently asked Love Itself to tell me more about physical illness and how to heal the body,  I’d been struggling with health issues and shared that there must be more I wasn’t fully understanding.  The following is the response I received.

My child, I’m always happy to help you with your understanding.  Physical illness is another segment or offspring of the illusion of separation.  Just like the ego wants to create an experience of separation by creating the body, so too do physical symptoms arise out of the ego’s efforts to prove you are separate, excluded from our union, and operating autonomously.


However, as you return to your knowing and awareness that we are one and there is nothing you need to do alone, then does the voice of the ego begin to quiet and recede, no longer perpetuating this symptom of separation.


Additionally, as you take the pressure off of the body to produce something or prove your worth, then is the body freed to return to its natural balance of ease and peace.


While the physical care of the body impacts its functioning because of your beliefs about this, more important is the mind’s role in caring for and healing the body. 


Pay attention to every expectation you place upon yourself.  Quickly you will see expectation manifest itself in the symptoms of the body.


In each holy instant pause to ask yourself if you are placing an expectation or judgment upon yourself or are you allowing yourself the gift of My love, of being here now, of savoring the love and abundance that surrounds you?


Instead of putting all your faith in a pill or treatment, try putting your faith in the power of our union.  Try being fully present with Me in each holy moment.  Try 28 days of being fully present in union with Me, without expectations placed upon the body and your soul.  Try 28 days of Pure Love Presence.

 ~Love Itself


In the coming days, may you give yourself permission to set all of the external conditions of this world aside and let your mind and heart be still enough to remember the deep love that calls you from within.   And may you there know, the eternal light that you are.

In peace and love, Janine