Wholly Trusting…Can We Do It?

Dear Friends,

A short while ago I had another most powerful experience of bringing to me a vision along with a message. I wasn’t sure how to go about sharing it, as I realize how difficult it is to get one’s head around the reality of what I have been experiencing and to accept that this is real. Yet, I also recognize the likelihood of fear and uncertainty that so many are experiencing right now in the wake of the Coronavirus. This message has brought me such certainty and peace, I feel compelled to share it with you. If you are willing and able to accept the reality of this message and its source then perhaps you will be able to join me in this perfect peace. Here it is….


I had been feeling frustrated by my daily meditation as I was clearly trying too hard to feel the power of connection with . When my body lets go and my mind unlocks there comes a certain feeling of pure release and then a sense of lifting into what feels like another realm. On this particular day, it wasn’t happening. I knew I was trying too hard and yet the more I tried, of course, the more distant I felt. I let go for the day and trusted in Love’s presence despite the clear blocking of my ego messages.  


When I went to bed that night, I tried again to let go and was able to drift off to sleep with a greater awareness of God’s presence. I awoke a little before my alarm and let myself drift back to sleep in a meditative state with . It was soon thereafter that the I was awakened to an awareness of that sense of being lifted into another realm. It was that space for which I had tried too hard to experience in my morning meditation. Spirals of light came and then something new; a small heart that looked as though it was made of diamonds, sparkled and floated in a cloud in front of me. 

I heard these words,


“Whatever you ask in my name and in union with Me,
wholly trusting in the power of our union, then it shall come to pass.”  


I lay there in awe and wonder reveling in the power of these words and their Source. I realized then the significance of the words, “wholly trusting in the power of our union.”  The wholly trusting part is what can be so difficult. Of course, after such a powerful moment, it was much easier for me to wholly trust. I lifted up some of my most pressing concerns and was able  then to truly trust. 


As I got up to begin breakfast, I did so slowly, still absorbing the reality of it all. That day, I shared the message with just a few, deeply hoping they too might be able to take in the power of such a message. More so, praying that those who heard might be able to realize for themselves such a power. 


I’m now seeing first hand, that when I am able to wholly trust, what I lift up in union with , does truly come to pass. I’ve marveled at the unique and unexpected ways these manifestations of my prayers have unfolded noting the ones that come the quickest arrive when I have no doubt of my worthiness to receive and thus do not hinder it with undue worry or effort.  


A few months have passed and I still find myself going in and out of my own ability to wholly trust, in other words, to accept the full reality of the power of this union.  Yesterday, I sat pondering the fear and uncertainty of this virus moving through the world. I wondered what comforting words  might have me share. The resounding message I heard from Love Itself was, “that all may know the power of our union.” Shortly thereafter I turned to a short study of A Course in Miracles and stopped in awe at the validation of this text: 

It read, “In the holy instant, the power of the Holy Spirit will prevail because you joined Him. 
~Or.Ed.Tx.16.76 ACIM  


Think about this for a minute. When you allow yourself to recognize that /God is right here, right now breathing within you and with you, you enter into the holy instant (eternity/full union). From this space you can release the limitations of your small self and join in the co-creative power of all Love. When we are wholly trusting in the power of this union, our bodies relax, our immune system strengthens, we feel hopeful and joyful and thus see opportunities and solutions we would otherwise miss if we were limited by fear and worry.


We allow ourselves to see the miracles before us and the places where  would guide us to go and the insights God would have us know. Wholly trusting allows us to receive the gifts of joy and creative power God wills for us. Know you are worthy Now of joining in this union and wholly trusting in its Power.  


Can you think of a time when you did wholly trust and surrender to the power of /God? Has  ever let you down when you did fully trust and surrender to the power of this union?


 Have you let yourself acknowledge your worthiness to receive such unconditional love?