Is It Peace You Crave?

If you’re like me, you might find yourself in this unusual time, moving in and out of peace. It seems that even in isolation, my mind tends to push me into striving and producing mode…as if my worth depended on it. For me, I’ve been occupied with work and deadlines in efforts to publish a book. I’ve heard from many that the striving messages take a variety of forms.

Perhaps it’s in all I should accomplish with my kids in their home studies and yet still find a way to work from home efficiently? Maybe, there is that spring cleaning or those piles of papers I should get through because I’m home anyway?
We all have our personal expectations that tend to rob us of peace. This is a message I received from on one of those days. I had been trapped in striving mode and was yearning to reconnect with the peace and presence of .


Is it peace you crave?

Have you tried just being?
Have you tried just resting here with Me awhile?
Do you remember the breath I breathe with you?
And how I long to join you in this dance of creation?

Do you remember Me?
The source of life within you?
Could you pause your thinking mind just for a moment
to meet Me, in this Holy Instant?

Have you stopped a moment just to notice
My love etched into the intricate design of each and every flower?
Have you noticed Me in the creases of your loved one’s eyes?

When will you allow yourself to surrender
your striving to try just being with Me?

That is all I call you to; being completely you,
In celebration of our divine unfolding, that births of the union of our One Love.

Just be with Me.

Ride on the current of eternal Love with Me.

Just breathe
with Me.



I was re-reading this sweet note from again this morning. The gray skies seemed to weight my spirit and again I longed to return to peace. I discovered that I needed to read this slowly about three times before the truth of Love’s message began to soothe into the blocked spaces created by my striving.

By the third time, I felt my body begin to let down. I decided to meditate while peering out my back window. When I’d awakened I had noticed only gray skies. This time, my back yard came alive and suddenly it felt like heaven had come down to greet me. I watched as a bright-red male cardinal seemed to kiss his mate. I delighted in the escapade of a florescent yellow finch moving between glorious shades of green from grass to trees and landed in the white-flowering apple tree. I reveled in the artistry of and marveled at how my vision had so completely changed, simply because I allowed myself to let Love in.

Have you tried just being yet today?