Needing Some Joy Today?

It’s a gray and foggy day in Ohio today.  On such a day as this, it’s difficult to awaken in joy. I find myself aware that I don’t want to let external conditions determine my joy or ability to accept happiness.  This is tricky and not so easy.

Last week, I actually made a pact with a friend to set the intention to choose activities within my day that will deliberately allow me to accept and experience joy.   We decided to call it the “21-day challenge.”

As counselors, we both have learned that the repetition of new behaviors for at least 21 consecutive days will help to rewire our brains to the new experience.

In addition to my morning meditation and time to remember my connection and union with God/Love Itself, my simple intention for 21 consecutive days would be to:

~Begin each day with a gratitude list.

~Play 20 mins. of uplifting music to which I would dance and sing, (This is playing out in smaller 5-minute increments.)

~And I would watch an episode in the Cosmos series at least every other evening so that I would end my day with inspiration and enlightenment.

This morning, I did just that which was quite helpful.  Actually, just 5 minutes of dancing and singing to James Taylor’s, “It’s Growing” song really changes the energy and moves me into a space where I can feel myself dancing with Love Itself.

Movement and music are such a powerful combination!  The very act of movement and music together can switch a negative neuropathway in a heartbeat.  The visualization of allowing God’s Love to grow and absorb within me is all the more powerful.

This act, in itself, moved me into a space of awareness of Love’s Presence within me. From this, I moved to the COMMA meditation (with steps one and two first)  and felt myself accept the merging of my soul back into union with Love Itself.  Except…there was one block…

Sometimes I notice the block at the first M (Make Space) when it comes to accepting my worthiness to join with Love Itself.   And this is specifically why that is within the COMMA journey.  So often I’m not feeling or accepting my worthiness and I don’t even realize I’m doing it!  Sometimes I just need to note it and then it begins to release.

Other times, I need to dive a little deeper and bring my struggle to Love Itself within my journaling.  I did just that.  I wrote out my feelings to God and asked for help in understanding and moving through my block.

This time it was the A (Accepting) and wholly trusting that whatever I ask in union with Love Itself shall come to pass.  It was a revealing dialogue and the aha came then when I heard Love Itself say, “you need to accept who you are.”

For me, that was the last piece, the remaining remnant of the ego messages.  I notice I return here often, finding I forget and have to remember again almost daily.  Yes, accept that I am one with Love Itself.

I am the very light of Love Itself.  We are one.  Therefore, I am everything and I have everything.  There is nothing lacking within me.  I am home.  I am complete.  There is nothing I need to do to earn this.  It is so.  Today I accept who I am.


A Note from Love Itself

Let every energy center
every cell
every fiber
awaken back into your Natural State
with Me.


Free the body of all limitations
the ego-mind has placed upon it.



Free yourself of the illusion
that you must operate in a separated state
at any moment.



Return to the joy and freedom
of riding on the current of the Unified Field of Pure Love
with Me.



For joy is released and freed within
as you loose yourself from
the illusion of the separated state.



As all of nature,
the birds, the ocean, the  bees,
and trees
dance in the harmony
of Union with Me.



So, too, are you meant to join and dance
in the symphony.



Simply ride on the current of Love
with Me.



Accept no less than
perfect joy

in Union with Me,

complete and free
Home with Me.

~Love Itself 

May you accept who you are today.  And may you then accept your worthiness to dance with Love Itself today!